
Our dedicated team of experienced Physiotherapists are committed to promoting the health, mobility and optimising functional capacity of your residents through comprehensive assessments, individualised care planning and evidence-based interventions.

Agestrong Health Group specializes in:

  • Improving functional capacity and focused on maximising wellbeing, mobility and quality of life in older adults;
  • Carrying out comprehensive functional assessment with clear, concise care plans that assist in supporting AN-ACC funding claims;
  • Design & delivery of reablement, and wellness programs tailored to the unique needs of your resident demographics and significantly reducing the risk of injurious falls, pressure injuries, manage chronic pain and other common health issues.
  • Provision of evidence-based fall prevention programs such as the Sunbeam & OTAGO programs, can significantly reduce the occurrence of injurious falls within your facility.
  • Restorative reablement services, targeted 1:1 programs to regain strength, mobility and physical function post hospitalisation, fall, acute deterioration or illness.
  • Manual handling training for clinical & non-clinical staff

Delivering care that evidence based, has clear measurable outcomes, aligns with the Australian Aged Care Quality standards and helps our aged care partners achieve 5-star ratings is our commitment.

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